Alcea filicifolia 'Las Vegas'


These attractive single flowers are loved by the bees and pollinators, statuesque plants reaching up to 2 metres high in some areas. The foliage has a more filigree look rather than the rounded leaves of rosea sorts. They are perennial and come from seed easily. Full sun.

15 seeds.

The seed we offer can be sown anytime from January to September. Sowing between January and April will require slight warmth (15°C to 21°C) to maintain germination. Later sowings from April to September will not require artificial heat, they will require protection from sudden downpours or extremes of temperature. Seed trays may dry out more easily in summer sun. Further detailed sowing information is sent with the seeds.

Requiring full sun and a not too rich a soil, in fact the poorer the better. Benefit from a mulch around but not over the crown when being planted, after that virtually no further care required. Cutting back the main flowering stem encourages later flush of flowers. 150cm, some are a little shorter.

Plugs and seed in this selection could be any colour in the range.

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